Nature Based Art Therapy

sugar maple nature school


Nature based Art therapy

All sessions are held during class hours at the Sugar Maple Nature School on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Sessions are 30-45 minutes in duration where your child will have the opportunity to explore their thoughts and feelings, develop strength-based insights and work towards individualized goals through nature based materials and art therapy activities. All sessions will be held outdoors, weather permitting.

Artwork is kept private and at times there may not be a physical product to keep or share, but rather lines in the dirt or rows of pebbles. Whether or not artwork is brought home, kept with the art therapist, or thrown away depends on whether the artwork is complete and what your child decides they are comfortable doing.

We always encourage your child to share and discuss topics covered in therapy with their caregivers. We also allow them to determine when and how they do this. If it is something we feel needs to be addressed in a timely manner, we give them the option of sharing on their own or having us help them share. We assure them that what is said in our sessions is private and we will always ask their permission first before sharing with their caregivers.


small group art therapy

In addition to individual art therapy, we also offer small group art therapy. Small art therapy groups are available as a natural progression from individual sessions, or in place of individual sessions. Groups are limited to 3-4 children who are all working on similar skills and goals. Some examples of groups include emotion regulation, social skills, and self-confidence. Groups are 45 minutes in duration and held on Wednesday afternoons with Autumn.


Private pay, sliding scale

We do not accept insurance in order to retain our autonomy as professionals as well as to protect you and your child’s privacy. Learn more here.

All information collected is private and protected by HIPAA law. As a private pay client, we are not required to diagnose or share you or your child’s private health information with anyone or any entity unless mandated by child protective services.

Individual sessions are billed on a good faith, sliding scale basis of $75.00 or $100.00 per session. Group sessions are billed at a rate of $50.00 per session.

Payments are due at the time of session. Debit, Credit, and HSA are accepted. At the time of intake paperwork, you will have an opportunity to choose the payment option that works best for you.

In some cases, services may be requested, free of charge, through a school voucher program. Please inquire for more information.

If you desire, a Superbill is available upon request, for your use to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Please note, Superbill requests will require a mental health diagnosis be made which will become part of your child’s permanent health record.


purpose of counseling

Our role is to provide your child a safe environment to express themselves and find meaning in their experiences. Under no circumstances will we participate in court proceedings or mediate co-parenting disputes. If therapists are put in a position of using your children’s thoughts or feelings against them or one of their caregivers, their trust in us and all future therapists will be greatly diminished to the point of possibly not seeking help in the future.

That said, as mandated reporters, any reports of neglect, sexual or physical abuse will be reported immediately to authorities with a follow-up to guardians on file.

If you feel you are in need of parenting or co-parenting support, please reach out to schedule an individual appointment. Adult sessions are virtual or in-person at the Cedarburg location and follow the same private pay, sliding scale as your child’s sessions.

Learn more about Sugar Maple Nature School and the benefits of Inquiry, Nature, and Community-based learning!

“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.”

Rachel Carson